Monday, April 21, 2014

The CATtitude problem:

We all know a cat with a bit of a 'tude.

Maybe you just don't understand your cat, maybe you just don't love your cat the way you should. Here at Podcats, The Podcast we've come up with some mythbusters about the household pet you should call man's best friend.

1. Cats are inconsiderate, independent and hate you:

Correction: YOU ARE INCONSIDERATE, INDEPENDENT AND CATS HATE YOU. Or, cats are actually affectionate and responsive. Your cat's behaviour is a result of how you treat them. If you ignore your cat, they will ignore you. But if you talk, pet and play with them often, they will get attached.

  • To get your attention your cat will often sit close to you, brush up against your legs or meow, some even bat their eyelids - so go ahead and fuss over them! 
  • Try and give your cat full attention for least 15-20 minutes every day. You'll get a happy cat and a best buddy bond going.

2. Cats don't need you.

Correction: Woah - don't go blaming cats for this misunderstanding. Poor little guys have been neglected enough. Just because they can take care of themselves WHEN NECESSARY and because they aren't as needy as canines (sorry - you got me, dog hater in the house!) doesn't mean they don't appreciate companionship. Hello? Did you see the Aristocats?!

3. Cats don't reciprocate loving relationships.

Correction: Why do you think that 75y/o single lady down your street has so many cats? People talk to their cats, sleep with their cats, and celebrate with their cats on holidays. Cats greet their owners at the door, follow them about, and come when they are called. They also affectionately rub against and "paddle" which stems from a cats instinct to feed from their mother, stimulating the milk flow by padding (okay, I know I made it weird, but deep down its a loving thing to do. Okay, deep, deep down.) Bottom line: cats love them some human time. 


4. Cats urinate on your stuff because they are bitches.

Correction: Cats are crafty - you think they would do something as obvious as pee on your bed? What they were probably going through is separation anxiety. They get attracted to a place where your scent was the strongest and have a bit of a meltdown - we've all done it when we've had a few too many. So quit judging.

5. Cats are murderous - they want to hurt my baby/puppy/kitten/boyfriend.

Correction: Your baby/puppy/kitten/boyfriend is lame. Ditch them and keep your cat. FOR THE LOVE OF GOD. Alternatively, the poor thing is probably jealous, and understandably so. If your cat is used to getting a lot of love from mama, by taking that away they are going to take it out on what appears to be the problem. It's the same with babies guys - the best cure for jealousy is consistency, so set aside some cat time and your problem should be solved. If not, revert to plan A.

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