Monday, April 14, 2014

Cat Selfies: a temporary epidemic or up and coming art form?

So, while the rest of the global population is trying to see how many likes they can get on their instagram picture, cats are coming to take over the world, one selfie at a time.  

And while it was funny for a while - and I mean FUN-NAY - this craze seems to be getting bigger and better. You can say what you want about your feline friends - but these crazy cats know how to handle their technology...

But they aren't showing signs of stopping. Not content with being the best thing on the internet, these mad mogs are branching into a new style of shoot. They are arty, focused and expressive. And they are being embodied and enabled by Snapcat - the aptly named variant of the phone photo sharing app Snapchat.

Snapcat is an Android app that baits house cats with an irresistible red dot jumping around the screen. The cursor doubles as a camera shutter button so that when the cat slaps the dot, a picture is taken. 

Move over Andy Warhol - PiCATto is in town.

What the unnerving thing is, is that Cats really get the concept. They put themselves in their selfie. Look at our buddy on the right - you feel his anger, his self-respect, his magnificence.

And with that - they are a little bit more than narcissistic cuties. They, once more, prove themselves to be geniuses. For the most part anyway.

But we can't forget the amateur cats. The one's who came, who tried, who almost conquered. The one's to whom the internet will always be thankful for their existence. To those cats - we salute you. Keep up the war brave warriors - the digital stratosphere will always love you.

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