Monday, April 28, 2014

Celeb Catz

First things first, where would we be without Twitter? Podcats, the Podcast <3's Twitter!

This social networking site has enabled us to get all kinds of personal with celebs, giving us cat-aholics some up close and personal time with their furry friends as an added bonus!

So, Podcats, the Podcats - in addition to being all kinds of jelly - presents these famous cat owners (and their associated Twitter) whose fortunate felines live charmed lives as the lap cats of the rich and the famous.

1. Nicole "Snooki" Polizzi (@snooki):

Although she's recently replaced her cats for her kids, there was a time when the Jersey Shore star was obsessed with sharing photos of her cats: Rocky, Tommy and Vito - the trio who she once referred to as her "3 bosses/ husbands/ best friends."

2. Katy Perry (@katyperry)

The undisputed queen of crazy cat crap, Perry often shares cat related content with past tweets including updates on her cat-themed fragrances Purr and Meow, trips to Tokyo cat cafes, and pictures of her own cats, Krusty and Kitty Purry. 

3. Taylor Swift (@taylorswift13)

The tween pop star caused an internet frenzy when she used Twitter to introduce the world to her new bestie Meredith. The Scottish Fold, named after Ellen Pompeo's character on Grey's Anatomy, also prompted a very public Twitter cat chat between Swift and Katy Perry, who proclaimed, "I want to cuddle that kitten so hard!"

4. Kat Von D (@thekatvond)

When the former LA Ink star isn't busy giving killer tattoos, writing books, and working on her makeup line for Sephora, she spends quality time with her beloved Sphynx, Piaf. The hairless kitten came into her life after her previous feline, Valentine, tragically perished in a house fire in 2010, and also follows Von D's first feline love, another Sphynx named Ludwig, who passed away in 2009. Ps. This cat is scary. 

5. Ricky Gervais (@rickygervais)

 Gervais regularly gives gratuitous tweet time to his gorgeous cat Ollie, a striking Siamese who loves being in front of the camera as much as her famous owner. Gervais is an animal rights advocate who admirably uses his massive Twitter following to promote these issues! #goGervais

Friday, April 25, 2014

20 of the best CAT-ch Phrases:

Here at Podcats, the Podcast we love a good pun and especially a good CATch phrase... these are some of our favourites: 

1. "Couldn't cuss a cat without getting fur in your mouth" - referring to tight, cramped space.

2. "Cat got your tongue" - why aren't you talking?

3. "Catty remarks" - comments made by a woman, usually about another woman.

4. "When the cat's away, the mice will play" - without supervision, people misbehave.

5. "Cat's pajamas" - something considered to be outstanding

6. "There's not enough room to swing a cat" - the room is very cramped and crowded.

7. "The cat's out of the bag" - to pass along a secret.

8. "Pussyfooting around" - to tread or move warily or stealthily or to refrain from committing oneself."

9. "Put the cat among the pigeons" - a British term which means to cause an enormous fight or flap, usually by revealing a controversial fact or secret.

10. The cat may look at a king" - an insolent remark of insubordination, meaning, "I am as good as you".

11. "Look what the cat dragged in" - a slightly derogatory comment on someone's arrival.

12. "Let sleeping cats lie" - leave things as they are.

13. "It's raining cats and dogs" - It's raining very hard.

14. "Fat cat" - A wealthy and privileged person.

15. "Grinning like a Cheshire cat" - Displaying a silly grin.

16. "Cat's paw" - to be labelled a "cat's paw" means someone has taken advantage of you and you weren't smart enough to CATch on.  

17. "Cool cat" - someone who keeps up with the latest trends.

18.  "Curiosity killed the cat" - be cautious when investigating situations.

19. "Busier than a one-eyed cat watching two mouse holes" - very busy, almost to the point of being frantic.

20. "Tomcat" - A male who enjoys the favors of many women. 

Monday, April 21, 2014

The CATtitude problem:

We all know a cat with a bit of a 'tude.

Maybe you just don't understand your cat, maybe you just don't love your cat the way you should. Here at Podcats, The Podcast we've come up with some mythbusters about the household pet you should call man's best friend.

1. Cats are inconsiderate, independent and hate you:

Correction: YOU ARE INCONSIDERATE, INDEPENDENT AND CATS HATE YOU. Or, cats are actually affectionate and responsive. Your cat's behaviour is a result of how you treat them. If you ignore your cat, they will ignore you. But if you talk, pet and play with them often, they will get attached.

  • To get your attention your cat will often sit close to you, brush up against your legs or meow, some even bat their eyelids - so go ahead and fuss over them! 
  • Try and give your cat full attention for least 15-20 minutes every day. You'll get a happy cat and a best buddy bond going.

2. Cats don't need you.

Correction: Woah - don't go blaming cats for this misunderstanding. Poor little guys have been neglected enough. Just because they can take care of themselves WHEN NECESSARY and because they aren't as needy as canines (sorry - you got me, dog hater in the house!) doesn't mean they don't appreciate companionship. Hello? Did you see the Aristocats?!

3. Cats don't reciprocate loving relationships.

Correction: Why do you think that 75y/o single lady down your street has so many cats? People talk to their cats, sleep with their cats, and celebrate with their cats on holidays. Cats greet their owners at the door, follow them about, and come when they are called. They also affectionately rub against and "paddle" which stems from a cats instinct to feed from their mother, stimulating the milk flow by padding (okay, I know I made it weird, but deep down its a loving thing to do. Okay, deep, deep down.) Bottom line: cats love them some human time. 


4. Cats urinate on your stuff because they are bitches.

Correction: Cats are crafty - you think they would do something as obvious as pee on your bed? What they were probably going through is separation anxiety. They get attracted to a place where your scent was the strongest and have a bit of a meltdown - we've all done it when we've had a few too many. So quit judging.

5. Cats are murderous - they want to hurt my baby/puppy/kitten/boyfriend.

Correction: Your baby/puppy/kitten/boyfriend is lame. Ditch them and keep your cat. FOR THE LOVE OF GOD. Alternatively, the poor thing is probably jealous, and understandably so. If your cat is used to getting a lot of love from mama, by taking that away they are going to take it out on what appears to be the problem. It's the same with babies guys - the best cure for jealousy is consistency, so set aside some cat time and your problem should be solved. If not, revert to plan A.

Friday, April 18, 2014

10 unconventional things to do with cats:

Because we all think our cat is better than everyone else's cat.

1. Cat Beards - where the name of the game is in the title. Grab your cat, make him your beard. Mega Lolz.

2. BatCat - which can be done in a variety of ways. Either wear your cat, dress them up or put them in the shadows. #catlife

3. The Simba - There are three parts to The Simba. 
           Option 1: Shave your cat to make him a mini Simba (works best with gingers.)
           Option 2: Present your cat to the world while playing Circle of Life. 
           Option 3. Christen your cat Rafiki style.

4. The Glass Table - Take a picture of your cat on a glass table and Photoshop it anyway you like. 
Simple - yet classic.

5. Cats in Tights - 'cos their little legs just aren't long enough. Plus it's really funny.

6. And while we're on a fashion theme - Cats in Tiny Hats. Because Cats like to party too. And look dapper while they do it. 

7.  Bread Cat - There are no words for this.

8. Pizza Cat - There are even less words for this.

9. RockCat - Wouldn't we all love our cat to be in a rock band? Costume, Photoshop and a little creativity and you are halfway there.

10.  The Laser Cat - Follow in the Steps of Samberg and Hader and make your cat into your weapon of choice. Apocalypse who?

(For full Laser Cats fun click here)

Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Podcats, The Podcast: Ep 1

So cat-lovers, it's the moment you've all been waiting for - the first episode of Podcats, The Podcast is here!

Give us a listen and let us know your thoughts either in the comments box or via our twitter where we will be keen to respond to any questions or queries you may have about our feline friends.

Today's episode includes some extra content which you can find listed below including  Henri 2, Paw de Deux, which won the "Golden Kitty Award" for "Best Cat Video on the Internet" at the Walker Art Center's Internet Cat Video Film Festival, and T. S Eliot's famous poem - "Gus The Theatre Cat."

Happy Listening!


Henri 2, Paw de Deux:

Gus The Theatre Cat - T. S Eliot:

Gus is the Cat at the Theatre Door.
His name, as I ought to have told you before,
Is really Asparagus. That's such a fuss
To pronounce, that we usually call him just Gus.
His coat's very shabby, he's thin as a rake,
And he suffers from palsy that makes his paw shake.
Yet he was, in his youth, quite the smartest of Cats--
But no longer a terror to mice and to rats.
For he isn't the Cat that he was in his prime;
Though his name was quite famous, he says, in its time.
And whenever he joins his friends at their club
(Which takes place at the back of the neighbouring pub)
He loves to regale them, if someone else pays,
With anecdotes drawn from his palmiest days.
For he once was a Star of the highest degree--
He has acted with Irving, he's acted with Tree.
And he likes to relate his success on the Halls,
Where the Gallery once gave him seven cat-calls.
But his grandest creation, as he loves to tell,
Was Firefrorefiddle, the Fiend of the Fell.

"I have played," so he says, "every possible part,
And I used to know seventy speeches by heart.
I'd extemporize back-chat, I knew how to gag,
And I knew how to let the cat out of the bag.
I knew how to act with my back and my tail;
With an hour of rehearsal, I never could fail.
I'd a voice that would soften the hardest of hearts,
Whether I took the lead, or in character parts.
I have sat by the bedside of poor Little Nell;
When the Curfew was rung, then I swung on the bell.
In the Pantomime season I never fell flat,
And I once understudied Dick Whittington's Cat.
But my grandest creation, as history will tell,
Was Firefrorefiddle, the Fiend of the Fell."

Then, if someone will give him a toothful of gin,
He will tell how he once played a part in East Lynne.
At a Shakespeare performance he once walked on pat,
When some actor suggested the need for a cat.
He once played a Tiger--could do it again--
Which an Indian Colonel purused down a drain.
And he thinks that he still can, much better than most,
Produce blood-curdling noises to bring on the Ghost.
And he once crossed the stage on a telegraph wire,
To rescue a child when a house was on fire.
And he says: "Now then kittens, they do not get trained
As we did in the days when Victoria reigned.
They never get drilled in a regular troupe,
And they think they are smart, just to jump through a hoop."
And he'll say, as he scratches himself with his claws,
"Well, the Theatre's certainly not what it was.
These modern productions are all very well,
But there's nothing to equal, from what I hear tell,
That moment of mystery
When I made history
As Firefrorefiddle, the Fiend of the Fell.

Monday, April 14, 2014

Cat Selfies: a temporary epidemic or up and coming art form?

So, while the rest of the global population is trying to see how many likes they can get on their instagram picture, cats are coming to take over the world, one selfie at a time.  

And while it was funny for a while - and I mean FUN-NAY - this craze seems to be getting bigger and better. You can say what you want about your feline friends - but these crazy cats know how to handle their technology...

But they aren't showing signs of stopping. Not content with being the best thing on the internet, these mad mogs are branching into a new style of shoot. They are arty, focused and expressive. And they are being embodied and enabled by Snapcat - the aptly named variant of the phone photo sharing app Snapchat.

Snapcat is an Android app that baits house cats with an irresistible red dot jumping around the screen. The cursor doubles as a camera shutter button so that when the cat slaps the dot, a picture is taken. 

Move over Andy Warhol - PiCATto is in town.

What the unnerving thing is, is that Cats really get the concept. They put themselves in their selfie. Look at our buddy on the right - you feel his anger, his self-respect, his magnificence.

And with that - they are a little bit more than narcissistic cuties. They, once more, prove themselves to be geniuses. For the most part anyway.

But we can't forget the amateur cats. The one's who came, who tried, who almost conquered. The one's to whom the internet will always be thankful for their existence. To those cats - we salute you. Keep up the war brave warriors - the digital stratosphere will always love you.

Friday, April 11, 2014

20 little known facts about cats:

Because there isn't too much you can know about cats...

1. A cat lover (aka, Podcats, The Podcast) is called an Ailurophilia.

2. Cats "paw" or "knead" (treading on a spot) to mark their territory and sweat through the bottom of their paws. This action rub off the sweat as a marking mechanism.

3. If your cat is near you, and their tail is quivering, this is the greatest expression of love your cat can give you. Appreciate it.

4. Only domestic cats hold their tails straight up when walking - wild cats hold their tails horizontally or tucked between their legs while walking.

5. Sir Isaac Newton, discoverer of the principles of gravity, also invented the cat door.

6.  Cat Grouping: A group of kittens is called a "kindle," a group of grown cats is called a "clowder," a male cat is called a "tom," a female cat is called a "molly" or "queen" and young cats are called "kittens."

7. Cats can make over 100 vocal sounds, while dogs can only make 10. (Cats, 1 - Dogs, 0)

8. Cats have been used to deliver mail: In Belgium in 1879, 37 cats were used to deliver mail to villages. However they found that the cats were not disciplined enough to keep it up.

9. The oldest cat that ever lived is Creme Puff who was born on August 3, 1967 and died ages 38 in 2005.

10. The biggest breed of domesticated cats are called a Maine Coon cat and weighs up to 11kg. They also make really good doorstops.

11.  Every year, nearly four million cats are eaten in Asia - and Podcats, The Podcast is not happy about this.

12. The technical term for a cat's hairball is a "bezoar."

13. A cat can't climb head first down a tree because every claw on a cat's paw points the same way. This probably explains why they get stuck up there. #meowmoment

14. According to Hebrew legend, Noah prayed to God for help protecting all the food he stored on the ark from being eaten by rats. In reply, God made the lion sneeze and out popped a cat. (Thanks big guy in the sky!)

15. The first cat in space was a French cat called Felicette (aka "Astrocat"). In 1963, France blasted the cat into outer space. Electrode implanted in her brains sent neurological signals back to Earth. She survived the trip.

16. When a family cat died in ancient Egypt, family member would mourn by shaving off their eyebrows. They also held elaborate funerals during which they wine and beat their breasts. No Jokes.

17. The ability of a cat to find its way home is called "psi-travelling." Experts think cats either use the angle of the sunlight to find their way or that cats have magnetized cells in their brains that act as compasses.

18.  The first cartoon cat was Felix the Cat in 1919.

19. Food that should not be given to cats include onions, garlic, green tomatoes, raw potatoes, chocolate, grapes and raisins.

20. Perhaps the most famous comic cat is the Cheshire Cat in Lewis Carroll's Alice in Wonderland. With the ability to disappear, this mysterious character embodies the magic and sorcery historically associated with cats.

Monday, April 7, 2014

Welcome to PodCATS, The Podcast –

Welcome to Podcats, The Podcast - you’re first stop for all feline related facts and entertainment. We love cats, and we love you, other people who love cats.

We also love radio, and while we can’t have our own radio show, we can talk to you, our devoted listeners about the cat stuff you love most, be that cat facts, breeds, treats, anecdotes or noises. So, check in here or via our Twitter page for the latest instalment of the series and other multimedia that builds on what we say and what you want to see.

The Team:

Role: Content Creator and Host   
Favourite Cat: Norwegian Forest Cat. Boom.

Role: Content Creator and Host
Favourite Cat: Salem, from Sabrina the Teenage Witch. Nuff said.

Role: Social Media Manager
Favourite Cat: Grumpy Cat aka Tardar Sauce (her real name)

Role: Blog Writer and Manager
Favourite Cat: Harry P's Crookshanks - for being a total badass. 

Role: Graphic Content Creator
Favourite Cat: Kitten fan only - no cats allowed.

Role: Promotional Material Manager
Favourite Cat: Ocelot (despite the cat allergy)