Friday, May 2, 2014

Top 20 Cats in Pop Culture: 10 - 1

 Hold on to your hats kids, because Podcats, the Podcast presents it's definitive Top 20 cats in Pop Culture!

Places 10 - 1:

In 10th Place - Cat in the Hat:

You've got to love a cat with a dose of cheeky - and this feline certainly does. Only talking in rhyme and teaching naughty kids universally to behave - he is a parent's best friend... when he isn't blowing houses apart that is. On second thoughts, cheeky might not be the word. However - points for the hat game.

In 9th Place - Tom, from Tom and Jerry:

Can't help but feel sorry for this poor bastard. Jerry has been giving him the run for as long as we can remember, and poor Tom is the one to get punished. A kids classic though, Tom has longevity and every person is haunted by the"THOMAS" cat-call from his faceless owner. We love you Tom!

In 8th Place - Jinxy:

Another villains sidekick, Jinxy is the right hand man to DeNiro's OTT dad character in Meet The Parents. A CIA agents best weapon, we soon learn, is his cat. And Jinxy is as smart as they come - able to flush the toilet, a trick which comes in handy when Moses the dog is drowned in the bog: Cats 1, Dogs 0)  

In 7th Place - Grumpy Cat:

Real name Tardar Sauce is both a domestic house cat and internet sensation known for her grumpy facial expression. Emanating all kinds of sass, she has been featured on the front page of The Wall Street Journal and New York Magazine. Nothing can touch this cat.

In 6th place - Crookshanks from Harry Potter:

Badass cat of the century. Not only does he own the fact he looks like he's been smashed with a saucepan, he knows the truth about Peter Pettigrew and he's goin' make damn sure that Harry and the Gang find out about it. 10 points to Griffindor!

In 5th Place - Puss in Boots (Shrek Style)

Who wouldn't want a sword-wielding, boot wearing, spanish/italian swearing puddy-cat voiced by Antonio Banderas? Shrek and the Gang got a whole lot more interesting when he joined the ranks, raising the banters and pulling on those big eyes. Cute points off the scale and the danger rating is high.
 The ultimate cat weapon. 

In 4th Place - O'Malley, the Alley Cat (Aristocats)

The ultimate cat lad mixed with general heroism, O'Malley is the all around good guy who has been masquerading as a badman until Duchess and her litter fall in his path. Poor guy ends up smitten and saves the day by protecting the little family and getting them back to Madame - only for him to be adopted too. Prayers that some little O'Malley's joined the clan later too...

In 3rd Place - Cheshire Cat:

As bizarre as they came, this cat has haunted dreams and motifs for centuries. Making the Alice and Wonderland series you can't help but be besotted with the grin that is referenced in daily culture all over the globe. Is he good? Is he evil? The magic is you'll never know...

In 2nd Place - Garfield:

The cat that need no introduction, this fat cat will be immortalised in every lasagne you eat and every ginger cat you see. A god amongst cats - everyone has wished for a Garfield. Long live the King - be that in memory, movie or comic strip form!

And finally - at number 1 is Salem, from Sabrina the Teenage Witch:

An understated cat - but one whose attempt for world domination will never be forgotten due to the sass and attitude that came with it. Never has one cat worn as many outfits, made as many snide comments or been more loved than that Salem. Sabrina - hold on to your feline, the rest of the world may just come nab him from you when they get the chance. 

Thursday, May 1, 2014

Top 20 Cats in Pop Culture: 20 - 11

Hold on to your hats kids, because Podcats, the Podcast presents it's definitive Top 20 cats in Pop Culture!

Places 20 - 11:

In 20th Place - Si and Am from Lady and The Tramp:  
We all know these guys are assholes, but to top that off they are creepy too. However, Lady and the Tramp would not be the same without them. 

In 19th Place - Lucifer from Cinderella: 
Again, an asshole. The way he walks through that dust pile after Cindy has spent all day cleaning up  ...ASSHOLE  (sidebar: Angel, our social media manager, hates this cat). But he is chubby - so has bonus points for being cute and for his owner being more evil than him. #poorlucifer

In 18th place - Felix the Cat:  
Felix the cat became the most prominent cartoon from the silent film era. He gets points for being around for so long - but he's also a little bit crap. Sorry Felix, you're stuck up here until you get an attitude.

In 17th Place - Angus from Angus, Thongs and Perfect Snogging: 
He is world-renowned since his owner Georgia and her little sister started dressing him up and pulling them around with him - but being a Scottish Wildcat he's a tiny bit feral. Cute but dangerous - we appreciate that at Podcats, The Podcast.


In 16th Place - Cat from Breakfast at Tiffany's:

While having a seemingly low-key role in this mega-block buster, Holly Golightly's cat functions as a constant reminder of the lack of connection she feels to those around her. For much of the story, he represents her unwillingness (or maybe her inability) to feel tied down to anyone or anything, and the fact that she won't name him further emphasizes that. So, that - and  the fact Cat's the reason she ends up with Paul Varjak. #clevercat

In 15th place - Mr Bigglesworth:

Mr Bigglesworth is Dr. Evil's pet Persian Cat - who lost his hair in an unfreezing process. This already gives the kitty points for sympathy. The fact he is a villain's bestie makes him lose points, that and he is UGLY - however, comedy value all the way!

In 14th Place - Scat Cat:

The trumpet-playing jazzman (voiced by the legendary Scatman Crothers) is leader of a gang of musical alley cats. Could he be any cooler? Downside is he doesn't get a lot of screen time...Aristocats 2 perhaps?

In 13th Place - Snowbell, from Stuart Little:

Family moggy Snowbell ain't to pleased when Geena Davies and Hugh Laurie bring a mouse (inherent nemesis) into the fam and start treating him like a son. We'd say your better off without him Snowbell, but it turns out the cat is the Snape of Stuart Little. 

In 12th place - Sassy from Homeward Bound:

The cat that keeps the dogs in check, Sassy is on a mission to keep the three of them together  She's got the right amount of attitude and heart, but her fatal decision to walk the line and fall over a waterfall brings too much heartbreak for her to be in the Top 10. #toomuchsassforonecat

In 11th Place - Oliver, from Oliver and Company:
In this retelling of Dicken's Classic - it's only fair that the cat takes the lead. Taken in by a pack of dogs when he is an orphan lost in the city, Oliver is led to a life of crime. Absolutely adorable, but that's no excuse for his actions, he ends up back where he belongs in the end. 

To be continued...

Podcats, The Podcast: Ep 2

So cat-lovers - the second episode of Podcats, The Podcast is here!

Give us a listen and let us know your thoughts either in the comments box or via our twitter where we will be keen to respond to any questions or queries you may have about our feline friends.

As you'll see - some of this content involves interaction from you! So if you want to see our resident cat allergy-haver Collin wear tiny hats then comment below. Or for a chance to win a prize - tweet us pictures of your cat to @PodCATS_Podcast!

Happy Listening!

Monday, April 28, 2014

Celeb Catz

First things first, where would we be without Twitter? Podcats, the Podcast <3's Twitter!

This social networking site has enabled us to get all kinds of personal with celebs, giving us cat-aholics some up close and personal time with their furry friends as an added bonus!

So, Podcats, the Podcats - in addition to being all kinds of jelly - presents these famous cat owners (and their associated Twitter) whose fortunate felines live charmed lives as the lap cats of the rich and the famous.

1. Nicole "Snooki" Polizzi (@snooki):

Although she's recently replaced her cats for her kids, there was a time when the Jersey Shore star was obsessed with sharing photos of her cats: Rocky, Tommy and Vito - the trio who she once referred to as her "3 bosses/ husbands/ best friends."

2. Katy Perry (@katyperry)

The undisputed queen of crazy cat crap, Perry often shares cat related content with past tweets including updates on her cat-themed fragrances Purr and Meow, trips to Tokyo cat cafes, and pictures of her own cats, Krusty and Kitty Purry. 

3. Taylor Swift (@taylorswift13)

The tween pop star caused an internet frenzy when she used Twitter to introduce the world to her new bestie Meredith. The Scottish Fold, named after Ellen Pompeo's character on Grey's Anatomy, also prompted a very public Twitter cat chat between Swift and Katy Perry, who proclaimed, "I want to cuddle that kitten so hard!"

4. Kat Von D (@thekatvond)

When the former LA Ink star isn't busy giving killer tattoos, writing books, and working on her makeup line for Sephora, she spends quality time with her beloved Sphynx, Piaf. The hairless kitten came into her life after her previous feline, Valentine, tragically perished in a house fire in 2010, and also follows Von D's first feline love, another Sphynx named Ludwig, who passed away in 2009. Ps. This cat is scary. 

5. Ricky Gervais (@rickygervais)

 Gervais regularly gives gratuitous tweet time to his gorgeous cat Ollie, a striking Siamese who loves being in front of the camera as much as her famous owner. Gervais is an animal rights advocate who admirably uses his massive Twitter following to promote these issues! #goGervais

Friday, April 25, 2014

20 of the best CAT-ch Phrases:

Here at Podcats, the Podcast we love a good pun and especially a good CATch phrase... these are some of our favourites: 

1. "Couldn't cuss a cat without getting fur in your mouth" - referring to tight, cramped space.

2. "Cat got your tongue" - why aren't you talking?

3. "Catty remarks" - comments made by a woman, usually about another woman.

4. "When the cat's away, the mice will play" - without supervision, people misbehave.

5. "Cat's pajamas" - something considered to be outstanding

6. "There's not enough room to swing a cat" - the room is very cramped and crowded.

7. "The cat's out of the bag" - to pass along a secret.

8. "Pussyfooting around" - to tread or move warily or stealthily or to refrain from committing oneself."

9. "Put the cat among the pigeons" - a British term which means to cause an enormous fight or flap, usually by revealing a controversial fact or secret.

10. The cat may look at a king" - an insolent remark of insubordination, meaning, "I am as good as you".

11. "Look what the cat dragged in" - a slightly derogatory comment on someone's arrival.

12. "Let sleeping cats lie" - leave things as they are.

13. "It's raining cats and dogs" - It's raining very hard.

14. "Fat cat" - A wealthy and privileged person.

15. "Grinning like a Cheshire cat" - Displaying a silly grin.

16. "Cat's paw" - to be labelled a "cat's paw" means someone has taken advantage of you and you weren't smart enough to CATch on.  

17. "Cool cat" - someone who keeps up with the latest trends.

18.  "Curiosity killed the cat" - be cautious when investigating situations.

19. "Busier than a one-eyed cat watching two mouse holes" - very busy, almost to the point of being frantic.

20. "Tomcat" - A male who enjoys the favors of many women. 

Monday, April 21, 2014

The CATtitude problem:

We all know a cat with a bit of a 'tude.

Maybe you just don't understand your cat, maybe you just don't love your cat the way you should. Here at Podcats, The Podcast we've come up with some mythbusters about the household pet you should call man's best friend.

1. Cats are inconsiderate, independent and hate you:

Correction: YOU ARE INCONSIDERATE, INDEPENDENT AND CATS HATE YOU. Or, cats are actually affectionate and responsive. Your cat's behaviour is a result of how you treat them. If you ignore your cat, they will ignore you. But if you talk, pet and play with them often, they will get attached.

  • To get your attention your cat will often sit close to you, brush up against your legs or meow, some even bat their eyelids - so go ahead and fuss over them! 
  • Try and give your cat full attention for least 15-20 minutes every day. You'll get a happy cat and a best buddy bond going.

2. Cats don't need you.

Correction: Woah - don't go blaming cats for this misunderstanding. Poor little guys have been neglected enough. Just because they can take care of themselves WHEN NECESSARY and because they aren't as needy as canines (sorry - you got me, dog hater in the house!) doesn't mean they don't appreciate companionship. Hello? Did you see the Aristocats?!

3. Cats don't reciprocate loving relationships.

Correction: Why do you think that 75y/o single lady down your street has so many cats? People talk to their cats, sleep with their cats, and celebrate with their cats on holidays. Cats greet their owners at the door, follow them about, and come when they are called. They also affectionately rub against and "paddle" which stems from a cats instinct to feed from their mother, stimulating the milk flow by padding (okay, I know I made it weird, but deep down its a loving thing to do. Okay, deep, deep down.) Bottom line: cats love them some human time. 


4. Cats urinate on your stuff because they are bitches.

Correction: Cats are crafty - you think they would do something as obvious as pee on your bed? What they were probably going through is separation anxiety. They get attracted to a place where your scent was the strongest and have a bit of a meltdown - we've all done it when we've had a few too many. So quit judging.

5. Cats are murderous - they want to hurt my baby/puppy/kitten/boyfriend.

Correction: Your baby/puppy/kitten/boyfriend is lame. Ditch them and keep your cat. FOR THE LOVE OF GOD. Alternatively, the poor thing is probably jealous, and understandably so. If your cat is used to getting a lot of love from mama, by taking that away they are going to take it out on what appears to be the problem. It's the same with babies guys - the best cure for jealousy is consistency, so set aside some cat time and your problem should be solved. If not, revert to plan A.

Friday, April 18, 2014

10 unconventional things to do with cats:

Because we all think our cat is better than everyone else's cat.

1. Cat Beards - where the name of the game is in the title. Grab your cat, make him your beard. Mega Lolz.

2. BatCat - which can be done in a variety of ways. Either wear your cat, dress them up or put them in the shadows. #catlife

3. The Simba - There are three parts to The Simba. 
           Option 1: Shave your cat to make him a mini Simba (works best with gingers.)
           Option 2: Present your cat to the world while playing Circle of Life. 
           Option 3. Christen your cat Rafiki style.

4. The Glass Table - Take a picture of your cat on a glass table and Photoshop it anyway you like. 
Simple - yet classic.

5. Cats in Tights - 'cos their little legs just aren't long enough. Plus it's really funny.

6. And while we're on a fashion theme - Cats in Tiny Hats. Because Cats like to party too. And look dapper while they do it. 

7.  Bread Cat - There are no words for this.

8. Pizza Cat - There are even less words for this.

9. RockCat - Wouldn't we all love our cat to be in a rock band? Costume, Photoshop and a little creativity and you are halfway there.

10.  The Laser Cat - Follow in the Steps of Samberg and Hader and make your cat into your weapon of choice. Apocalypse who?

(For full Laser Cats fun click here)