Thursday, May 1, 2014

Top 20 Cats in Pop Culture: 20 - 11

Hold on to your hats kids, because Podcats, the Podcast presents it's definitive Top 20 cats in Pop Culture!

Places 20 - 11:

In 20th Place - Si and Am from Lady and The Tramp:  
We all know these guys are assholes, but to top that off they are creepy too. However, Lady and the Tramp would not be the same without them. 

In 19th Place - Lucifer from Cinderella: 
Again, an asshole. The way he walks through that dust pile after Cindy has spent all day cleaning up  ...ASSHOLE  (sidebar: Angel, our social media manager, hates this cat). But he is chubby - so has bonus points for being cute and for his owner being more evil than him. #poorlucifer

In 18th place - Felix the Cat:  
Felix the cat became the most prominent cartoon from the silent film era. He gets points for being around for so long - but he's also a little bit crap. Sorry Felix, you're stuck up here until you get an attitude.

In 17th Place - Angus from Angus, Thongs and Perfect Snogging: 
He is world-renowned since his owner Georgia and her little sister started dressing him up and pulling them around with him - but being a Scottish Wildcat he's a tiny bit feral. Cute but dangerous - we appreciate that at Podcats, The Podcast.


In 16th Place - Cat from Breakfast at Tiffany's:

While having a seemingly low-key role in this mega-block buster, Holly Golightly's cat functions as a constant reminder of the lack of connection she feels to those around her. For much of the story, he represents her unwillingness (or maybe her inability) to feel tied down to anyone or anything, and the fact that she won't name him further emphasizes that. So, that - and  the fact Cat's the reason she ends up with Paul Varjak. #clevercat

In 15th place - Mr Bigglesworth:

Mr Bigglesworth is Dr. Evil's pet Persian Cat - who lost his hair in an unfreezing process. This already gives the kitty points for sympathy. The fact he is a villain's bestie makes him lose points, that and he is UGLY - however, comedy value all the way!

In 14th Place - Scat Cat:

The trumpet-playing jazzman (voiced by the legendary Scatman Crothers) is leader of a gang of musical alley cats. Could he be any cooler? Downside is he doesn't get a lot of screen time...Aristocats 2 perhaps?

In 13th Place - Snowbell, from Stuart Little:

Family moggy Snowbell ain't to pleased when Geena Davies and Hugh Laurie bring a mouse (inherent nemesis) into the fam and start treating him like a son. We'd say your better off without him Snowbell, but it turns out the cat is the Snape of Stuart Little. 

In 12th place - Sassy from Homeward Bound:

The cat that keeps the dogs in check, Sassy is on a mission to keep the three of them together  She's got the right amount of attitude and heart, but her fatal decision to walk the line and fall over a waterfall brings too much heartbreak for her to be in the Top 10. #toomuchsassforonecat

In 11th Place - Oliver, from Oliver and Company:
In this retelling of Dicken's Classic - it's only fair that the cat takes the lead. Taken in by a pack of dogs when he is an orphan lost in the city, Oliver is led to a life of crime. Absolutely adorable, but that's no excuse for his actions, he ends up back where he belongs in the end. 

To be continued...

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